Arctic Trucks has pioneered new, faster and more efficient ways to travel on the Antarctica Plateau, giving every explorer access to this wonderful and thrilling continent with our vehicles and expedition experts. We offer life changing expeditions to Antarctica, the last true wilderness on earth.
The Team
The Arctic Trucks team is multidisciplinary with highly experienced expedition leaders, mechanics, medics and logistics planners whose experience is second to none in the Polar environment. Our highly experienced team compliments our customers's team to improve operational effectiveness. Check us out!
“In 2013 Walking With The Wounded embarked on a race in Antarctica. We had three teams of wounded servicemen and women skiing to the South Pole, with Prince Harry joining the UK team. For us it was crucial to have a high level of support and expertise to mitigate the risks as far as possible, and we achieved that by having the vehicles and crew from Arctic Trucks involved. In hindsight we simply wouldn’t have succeeded without them.”
“A critical component essential to the success of the expedition was
the part played by the energetic band of Icelanders. They were clearly comfortable with the Antarctic conditions and they seemed to have a limitless reservoir of energy. No task was ever too big or too small for them and every job was tackled with boundless enthusiasm. It seemed there was nothing that they could not fix. At minus forty conditions you would find them busying themselves with preventative maintenance. Emergency repairs were done with impressive innovation and deceptive ease.”
“The training in Iceland with Arctic Trucks was excellent in preparing our expedition to Antarctica. Experience and professionalism of AT people is on high level and the coordination of training was smooth and flexible. The glaciers with fast changing weather and various snow conditions gave us many challenges and a great experience in using the cars.”
“Arctic Trucks vehicles got me out to my fieldwork site safely with ease. Whilst installing automatic weather stations they provided shelter from the harsh Antarctic conditions, allowing delicate wiring to be done in the warmth. The automatic weather station Arctic Trucks installed on their truck has given a fantastic high resolution data set of meterology conditions from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole.
Arctic Trucks mechanics are second to none, always helpful and come up with ingenious ways of fixing things and making them work in unforgiving weather conditions of Antarctica.”
“Arctic Trucks provided my expedition with really vital talents and knowledge. Information I’d gathered all over the World in years of research, I found again within their one company. And that made all the difference to my sponsors. Arctic Trucks gave them the confidence to believe in this project. And it was their practical knowledge of circumstances and machines that made the expedition to the South Pole by tractor (on tires!) a reality. Forever grateful to have been able to give my feel good uplifting story, a truly happy ending! We did it!”
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